Tuesday 25 June 2013

Room decor ideas and DIY's

1. Reuse coffee cups

Save Starbucks cups or regular cardboard coffee cups to keep and store your pencils in

2. Reuse old tea cups for a vintage feel to your room

3. Buy cheap decor from Target, Michaels, or TJ Maxx

ex. Like this cute bird cage candle holder I got from Michaels for $9.00

4. DIY Frames


- Picture Frames

- Scissors or and X-acto Knife

- A glue stick

- Cute scrapbooking paper or paper with nice prints or designs

- Printed out logos of famous companies (ex. Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, etc.)

1. Cut out the printed out logos  with an X-acto knife or scissors

2. Measure the paper to the size of the inside of the frame and cut it out

3. Glue the logo onto the paper then place the paper inside the frame and you're done!

5. Buy Locker Shelves for a cheap alternative to real shelves

ex. I got mine from Staples for $3.00

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